
Carpet Cleaning During the Holiday Season

Dec 7, 2023 | Carpet Cleaning

holiday family gathering

As the holiday season approaches, you may be preparing your home for guests, hosting events, and welcoming children and pets. While you want your home to be clean and comfortable for the holidays, you also know that accidents can happen and there may be messes to clean up afterward. Deciding when to schedule deep carpet cleaning can be difficult at this time of year.

On the one hand, you want your living environment to be as fresh as possible for the holidays. On the other hand, you don’t want to risk accidents happening on a recently cleaned carpet. At Precision Chem-Dry, we understand the dilemma that many homeowners face when deciding when to schedule a deep carpet cleaning. We’ve listed some of the pros and cons to help you make the best decision for your preferences and peace of mind during the busy holiday season.

Carpet Cleaning Before the Holidays

There are pros and cons to having your carpets professionally cleaned before the holiday season. On the bright side, it means you can welcome your guests into a home that feels fresh and inviting. Whether you’ve got little ones playing on the carpet or you’re just looking to get rid of any lingering musty smells, a professional clean can certainly put your mind at ease.

On the other hand, the holidays come with their fair share of cooking, feasting, and merry-making – and where there’s fun, there’s often spills. And let’s not forget the winter weather! Snow, mud, salt – all these could be tracked into your home, giving your freshly cleaned carpet a bit of a beating. This could mean your pristine carpet might not stay that way for long after a professional cleaning. This may shorten the length of time your carpet stays clean after a professional cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning After the Holidays

Scheduling deep carpet cleaning after the holidays has its own benefits. You can remove any dirt, mud, and stains that accumulated during the holiday festivities and start the new year with a clean slate. However, if it’s been a long time since your last cleaning, you may feel anxious about the appearance and smell of your home, which can affect your willingness to host events. You may also be concerned about children being exposed to dirt and grime in your carpets. If you’re feeling stressed about the cleanliness of your home during the holidays, it may be worth considering scheduling a carpet cleaning beforehand. If you need to, you can always schedule another appointment after. 

When is the Best Time for Carpet Cleaning

Ultimately, the best time to schedule deep carpet cleaning depends on your priorities and how recently your carpets were last cleaned. If you want your carpets to be as clean as possible at the start of the holiday season and are willing to risk them getting soiled during gatherings, it may be best to have them cleaned before the holidays. If you’re more concerned about dealing with the aftermath of parties and guests, it may be better to wait until after the holidays to have your carpets cleaned. If you’re not sure, you can use the timing of your previous professional cleaning as a guide. If it was within the last 3-6 months, you may want to wait until after the holidays. If it was more than 6 months ago, it may be better to schedule cleaning before the holidays.

Are you ready to schedule your deep carpet cleaning in Salt Lake City? Get in touch with the experts at Precision Chem-Dry today by calling (801) 266-8150!

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