
What You Need to Know About Household Cleaning Products

Jun 17, 2021 | Carpet Cleaning

What You Need to Know About Household Cleaning Products

When it comes to household cleaning products, there are many different kinds and it can be hard to choose which ones to use! Here are a few staples to keep in your home cleaning kit, as well as our recommendations for where they should and shouldn’t be used. We’re the experts at carpet cleaning in Riverton, UT and we know how to keep your home clean!

1.) All-Purpose Cleaners

All-purpose cleaners normally come in either a liquid or powder form and can be diluted with water if needed. All-purpose cleaners work well on countertops, tile, appliances, and linoleum or laminate floors. However, avoid using all-purpose cleaners on steel appliances and hardwood floors. For tougher areas with mildew, mold, or stains, try a stronger specialty cleaner rather than an all-purpose formula.

2.) Specialty Cleaners

Many different kinds of cleaners are specifically designed to be applied to certain surfaces—like bathrooms, kitchens, glass, stainless steel, and hardwood floors. The chemical makeup of specialty cleaners targets things like hard water, mineral build-up, and dust in a way that’s safe for certain surfaces. There are also specialty cleaners available for carpet and upholstery that should be used with caution and limited amounts of moisture. Professional upholstery and carpet cleaning in Riverton, UT will be able to offer the right recommendations for you.

3.) DIY Cleaners

Homemade or DIY cleaners are popular among people looking for cost-effective, more natural cleaning solutions. They’re typically made with a combination of water, lemon, or vinegar, and their acidic nature makes them effective at breaking down grease, soap scum, and hard water stains. These types of cleaners are generally safe to use on tile, tubs, and showers but they can dull the appearance of natural stone (limestone, marble, granite, etc). Homemade cleaners also shouldn’t be used on knives, wood, or grout since they can eat away at these finishes.

Affordable & Professional Carpet Cleaning in Riverton, UT

Precision Chem-Dry can clean a variety of surfaces in your home with our cleaning products and services. As your local experts at carpet cleaning in Riverton, UT, we make sure your home is cleaner and healthier!

Book your appointment for carpet cleaning in Riverton, UT.  

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