
What is the Best Way to Care for a Fabric Sofa?

Feb 11, 2021 | Carpet Cleaning

gray fabric sofa

If you have a house full of kids and pets, you know that spills and stains on your carpets and upholstery are inevitable. Even if you are careful and manage to avoid big disasters and small spills, cleaning furniture thoroughly is an important task that many people forget about. In fact, you may not even realize how much dust and dirt have built up on your fabric sofa! 

There are a few different ways to tackle a fabric sofa, some are things that you should do regularly, and some at larger intervals or when a spill occurs. And of course, it always helps to schedule a professional furniture and upholstery cleaning in Murray, UT with Precision Chem-Dry

Dry Brush

Sometimes removing dirt and crumbs can be as simple as using a dry brush to loosen and sweep it off. Be sure to lay down something to catch the debris, or vacuum after.


A vacuum also works wonders on a fabric couch. Without having to get into water and water-based solutions, you can utilize a hand-held vacuum to clean and get into the nooks and crannies.

Wash Covers

The benefit of some fabric furniture is that it has covers that you can simply unzip and wash in a regular machine. If yours has these covers, be sure to check for the specific washing instructions for that material.

Use Baking Soda

Sprinkling baking soda over a fabric couch can be a great way to remove odors and loosen stains, before vacuuming it up. You can also create a solution for a deeper clean or spot clean, with equal parts baking soda and water. Take care using baking soda on some upholstered surfaces like microfiber and leather.

Schedule Regular Upholstery Cleaning in Murray, UT

Whatever the nature of your furniture, Precision Chem-Dry can help to deep clean, restore, and protect your furniture with our upholstery cleaning in Murray, UT. And we do it completely naturally. Our process is non-toxic and free of harmful chemicals that are used in many other cleaning products and processes. 

Book a furniture and upholstery cleaning in Murray, UT today with Precision Chem-Dry! 

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